Please read the following Statement on the death of Muhammed Bhar in Gaza

Together, let us build a more inclusive Africa, where the potential of every individual with Down syndrome is recognised, celebrated, and valued

‘No disability or dictionary out there is capable of clearly defining who we are as a person.’ – Robert M Hensel, Guinness World Record holder, Poet and advocate
About Us
The Africa Down Syndrome Network, hereby known as ADSN was established in 2014 in Johannesburg South Africa. We, the Members of the Africa Down Syndrome Network being committed to working together to inform, educate, and increase public awareness of Down syndrome while advocating for better services and opportunities that support and enhance the health, development and education of persons with Down syndrome and their families on the continent of Africa.
To promote, protect and advocate for a more inclusive and compassionate society for individuals with Down syndrome across Africa, including promoting the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa, known as the Africa Disability Protocol (ADP).
To empower various Down syndrome organisations to alleviate challenges faced by persons with Down syndrome and to have one united voice when advocating, sharing knowledge, information and expertise on the condition, while improving the quality of life for persons with Down syndrome and their families.
Aims and Objectives
- To ensure that all people with Down syndrome have equal rights;
- To remove barriers that hamper their full and inclusive participation;
- To change people’s perception on Down syndrome;
- To positively influence continental policies and legislation for persons with Down syndrome;
- To create equal opportunities for persons with Down syndrome, to enable them to function optimally and to achieve their full potential in all spheres of life;
- To develop capacity and implement good governance in Down syndrome organisations witin Africa;
- To represent the Africa Down Syndrome Network Continentally and Internationally